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illustration shows that the file you want to share can be sent via the Internet |
1. DropBox.com
DropBox is a true backup files or at least it can be used as an online hard disk likeGMail. But there's nothing wrong if we upload the files here thoh in our dropbox file canbe distributed directly as the others. With free accounts you are given space of 2GB.With the pro version you can choose to pay the space of 50GB or 100GB $ 9.99/mo to $ 19.99/mo.
- File synchronization to the computer directly
- Online backup that allows us to back up data files on our computer to the serverdropbox
- There are security and privacy of the dropbox will send your file to the server with an SSL connection so that your data is safe
- Can be accessed via mobile phones though
- No waiting time in the dropbox for online backup dropbox is not file sharing.
2. MegaUpload.com
MegaUpload offer custodian services for the online files that can not be considered small. You can upload files without registering with the file size 500MB per file. Butalso provided a version of the free membership that gives you 200GB of space on condition that one file which you upload a maximum of 2GB only. MegaUploadsupports resume downloading, which means if you can continue interrupteddownloads without starting from scratch again.
- Version without the account is quite tempting
- Version of the free account gives considerable space
- The existence of upload and download manager
- Download the file can be forwarded
- The waiting time is still there, though not so long (45 seconds)
- Download the file in the last 24 hours are limited (in contrast to a premium accountthat is not restricted at all)
3. RapidShare.com
Rapidshare is quite famous in the file-sharing services and many webmasters whomay have registered themselves dilayanan file-sharing. Unmitigated most of those whoupload a file in more rapid using the pro version.Pros:
- For the pro version you are offered space for 50GB with a 150GB monthly traffic
- No waiting time downloading the file (pro version)
- The free version only stores a file of 200MB per file
- Files that are stored in the free account downloadan only be stored for 10 times only, so when the file has been downloaded over 10 times the file will be automaticallyremoved.
Mediafire is also quite famous in the world of file-sharing services. Many bloggersor site managers use this service to distribute their files. The site is addressed inhttp://www.mediafire.com/ and we can upload files without becoming a member first.It's nice to upload files here, as well as to download it. The download holic may alsoprefer to download the file you if you upload here.
- Free account, where we can register or not register at all to upload the file we want to
- Server that allows for the acceleration when the file is downloaded using DownloadAccelerator Plus
- Server that supports resume downloads, so when someone wants to download thefiles we are not finished downloading it on that day it rises to another day
- Free accounts are limited only upload files with a size of 200MB per file and only keptfor 30 days in the server
5. 4shared.com
4shared is addressed in http://www.4shared.com/ is very popular for those who areinsane download in the virtual world. Indeed, these sites provide file sharing servicefee that is superior. In the free version we offer 10GB space 100GB and even thenwould be if we pay to get the premium version. Type the file that we can share or savehere is varied, ranging from the document, archive (*. rar or zip .*), presentations,music (*. mp3, *. amr and others), and video (*. avi, * . mp4 and others). But whether we will get the readers of our paper if we only distribute in the form of documentswhich can be downloaded and provide a link in our blog or website, but we know thatour blog is still new. Of course this can not be right?
For that I only recommend 4shared capacity for storing small files such as software that is only mild. This in because the waiting time (waiting time) download will be veryannoying. When someone who does not have a premium account in 4shared todownload our files on file-sharing site's most popular enough it will be very disturbed.
And many more file-sharing services out there. But some of the above can be used as a reference for you in choosing a file sharing service for sharing files with friends,family or anyone else over the internet. Happy sharing!
4shared is addressed in http://www.4shared.com/ is very popular for those who areinsane download in the virtual world. Indeed, these sites provide file sharing servicefee that is superior. In the free version we offer 10GB space 100GB and even thenwould be if we pay to get the premium version. Type the file that we can share or savehere is varied, ranging from the document, archive (*. rar or zip .*), presentations,music (*. mp3, *. amr and others), and video (*. avi, * . mp4 and others). But whether we will get the readers of our paper if we only distribute in the form of documentswhich can be downloaded and provide a link in our blog or website, but we know thatour blog is still new. Of course this can not be right?
For that I only recommend 4shared capacity for storing small files such as software that is only mild. This in because the waiting time (waiting time) download will be veryannoying. When someone who does not have a premium account in 4shared todownload our files on file-sharing site's most popular enough it will be very disturbed.
- Large storage, reaching 10GB in the free version.
- Has a file manager that can be installed on the computer
- The waiting time when want to download the file quite a long time
- Download servers are sometimes not in the accelerated use IDM or DAP
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4 comments so far:
box.net dan hotfile jg manteb mas..
apalagi indowebster yg lokal :D
iya nih, secara box.net kan sama aja kayak dropbox... kalo indowebster kadang2 bagus sih, krn aq pernah download dari situ tapi gak bisa dapet cepet padal pas server luar bisa... *kok malah curcol ya? hhe*
memang IDWS kadang membingungkan dalam hal mendapatkan link downloadnya karena harus mutar cari linknya.. tp kalau jadi member premium gampang sekali mas
emang cara buat dapet akun premium gimana gan?? :matabelo
yang ane tau tuh cara dapetinnya harus kirim donasi gan :cd
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